Thursday, January 13, 2011

Matter, Aral Sea, Uggs and a Show Choir?

Today in Chemistry this girl in front of me kept bouncing her leg which in turn makes her whole body bounce and it got on my nerves. Also her big bun of hair got in my way of the teacher and the board. Ugh!!!

In Geology I sat on an end and then these two girls came in my row and I knew they were gonna be talkers. Great! They were and it got on my nerves. One of the girls was like, " These Uggs are bothering me!" I was thinking to myself why do you wear them then? 

Why do people wear Uggs? Like really?! They have no shape, they're confined to black, tan, and brown colors and when they get wet, they just look ridiculous! It was like almost EVERY girl had them on today and usual all of them dragged their feet! Which gets on my nerves as well. People dragging their feet!

But things are looking up cause I'm going to a show choir with my bestest roommie Aeriel! Then tomorrow were gonna go to a gymnastics meet! Whoot!

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