Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hokay, so....

So... let's see, where to start? Well my niece Brecke is almost 2!!!! She's a smarty pants... she knows tooooo much for her age. Whenever she wants to be held she says, " Hold her?!" Lol. Funny. There's a lot of stuff I could go on and on about B, but that would take forever.

School status: Senior! I'm taking summer school right now. I initially wanted to graduate on time in Spring 2013 but I have decided to take it easy. I have added a minor in International Studies. My Greece trip I wanted to go on didn't happen. SURPRISE! But I'm working on trying to go on an internship abroad someone for 1) internship will look good on my resume 2) I WANNA GO ABROAD!!!!

I'm currently working at a frozen yogurt place. I enjoy it a lot. I hate sundays though cause I work 12 to 8 well more like 12 to 9. Ugh!!!! I hardly have time to see B anyways and I can't even have my Sundays open. But I don't think I'll work during school cause I'm taking like 15 hours and I'll only have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to do anything.

I have been running a lot more than I used to. Me and Ethan are training to run for the 5k Color Run in July. Today I ran a 5k at the Strawberry Festival. I ran it in 30:41!!!!! My best time ever!!!!!!!! Last night I ran on the treadmill and I ran 3.1 miles in 35:34. I shaved off 5 minutes!!!  I think I can totally have more fun with the Color Run since I won't be gasping for air as much anymore.

Next month is June and the St. Mary's Navilleton Middle School Camp is gonna happen! Whoot! Always excited for camp. Then I feel like something else is going on and then my 22nd BDAY!

At this particular moment I am painting my nails while B sleeps. Good time to do em.

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