Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This is for you Aeriel

Hokay, so...
Ummmm... where to start... I left Ball State and glorious Aeriel for home. I won't be going back to BSU cause I don't know what I wanna do with my life and I missed my niece... B! I'll be going back to IUS. yay. 

I cut my hair REAL short... like pixie short cause I felt good about myself and I felt confident enough to have a short haircut. Even with the possibility of me looking like a boy. Good thing I don't! 

My 21st birthday came and went. I didn't drink, at all. Elaine and Ethan took me and Phil out for our birthdays at La Bocca in New Albany. DELICIOUS!!!! Then we took some pictures and then got some ice cream from the TWIST! Good times hanging with friends.

The next day after my birthday I started my new job at Little Caesars in Kmart. I was nervous but I'm fine now. I messed up a couple call-in orders but they weren't serious. The register was my enemy for a while. I was so stressed about that stupid thing each time I went into work. The first day I worked the register I was shaky and SUPER nervous. I'm better at it but I still have to ask sometimes which button is for what product. The other employees are nice and funny. I'm glad they are cause the time would pass REAL slow. I usually have 3-4 hour shifts but this week I had a 5 and a half hour shift and tomorrow I have a six hour shift. This is because I requested off foooooorrrrr......

I'm super pumped about the camping trip. It was awesome last summer and it's gonna be even more awesomer!

This month has been, camping trip, work, watching B, airshow trip with Dad. I had just finished looking at all the restaurants that sounded good in Dayton, Ohio so me and dad can eat at some good places. 

B is crawling now. Today she was smacking me on my chest and each time she smacked me she would laugh. Before the series of smacks she bitch slapped me. Mom was laughing so hard she was crying and B was laughing too. It was an experience being bitch slapped for the first time by a 11month old.

So in October I plan on visiting my cousin in Dallas, TX again. This time we are gonna go to the Texas State Fair. She said maybe we can take our New Orleans trip then too. Allison, my sister might come with.

December Allison, B, and Randy ( brother-in-law) are gonna go to Florida.

In the summer of 2012 I would like to go on this EF college break tour to Italy and Greece. It's about $3500 for 10 or 11 days. I REALLY wanna go!!!

Right now I am just waiting for CSI to come on, even though it is prolly a repeat.


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