Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ending school and Starting a new one

I just noticed that the last two posts started with Hokay.... so. I will not start this post with hokay..... so. 

I no longer work at the Frozen Yogurt shop and I'm kinda glad because this semester I have had a lot of busy work. The work isn't hard it just takes time to complete it all. I do miss my frozen yogurt everyday for lunch but the good times have to end sometime right? 

I have registered for my Spring semester of my senior year. I will NOT be graduating in the Spring but I will get my diploma in August cause I gotta take summer school. Today in class, one of my new friends this year said that his wife told him that the Science majors will not have to take a foreign language in 2013! I have not taken a foreign language in college. I started German but once we started the alphabet, all I could think of was the French alphabet, so I dropped German, thus making me procrastinate with the foreign language requirement. I have the French Rosetta Stone and I'm going to take the CLEP (*basically a test for any subject that you have studied yourself or learned and want to get credit for) again. The first time I took the CLEP was in the summer and I got a 47. I need a 59 to get credit for all four classes or 2 semesters. If I get a score of 50 I can take the last two classes in the summer. So that's where I'm at with school right now.

Also during the Spring I'm going to be doing an internship at the Floyd County Stormwater department editing parcels using ArcGIS. At least I think I officially have the position. 

I have been pondering this idea for sometime about going to grad school. I have decided to go. I have applied to IU Bloomington, I just have to take the GRE and then they can look at my application. I would be getting a masters in GIS. The thing is, the GRE test isn't until Dec. and the application and all that is due Jan.15. So I'm in a bit of a rush. Also I don't graduate until August 31 and I'm assuming IUB starts classes that week. So I might be attending in the Spring. I was just going to apply to IU but I have been looking at this one college in Ireland for a while and I said to myself, "Why the hell not?!" So I have applied there and all my info is in. Their Geography MS is only one year!!!!!! That's my style!!!! For an international school and for one year it would be around $40,000 to attend but to go to IU for 2 years in- state is almost $60,000. I'm really rooting for UCD!!!!!!! I know I have to get a loan but it'll be worth it.

I bought a pair of TOMS shoes!!! I was going to get B a pair but she probably won't get any use out of them since she grows so fast. On the topic of B... she is freakin HILARIOUS!!!! she says stuff with an attitude and the stuff she says I have no idea where she got it from! At a halloween party I was holding her and dad wanted to leave and mom was waiting in line to go through a haunted house my relatives made. I told her to tell Grandpa (dad) that mom said 2 minutes. We walk over to dad and she said Oma (mom) said 2 minutes. She is so smart. I secretly wish she would be an astronaut. Love her to death! 

Also over a month ago I had bunion surgery and this past Sunday I got on the treadmill for the first time in like OVER OVER a month. Let me just say, the soreness is slowly leaving my body just from a 30 minutes run. I gotta stay in shape cause my BES FRANDS (Elaine Elliott and Ethan Schmidt) are getting married in June and I gotta make sure my dress is gonna fit!

I gotta leave for class in about 30 minutes so until next time.....

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hokay, so....

So... let's see, where to start? Well my niece Brecke is almost 2!!!! She's a smarty pants... she knows tooooo much for her age. Whenever she wants to be held she says, " Hold her?!" Lol. Funny. There's a lot of stuff I could go on and on about B, but that would take forever.

School status: Senior! I'm taking summer school right now. I initially wanted to graduate on time in Spring 2013 but I have decided to take it easy. I have added a minor in International Studies. My Greece trip I wanted to go on didn't happen. SURPRISE! But I'm working on trying to go on an internship abroad someone for 1) internship will look good on my resume 2) I WANNA GO ABROAD!!!!

I'm currently working at a frozen yogurt place. I enjoy it a lot. I hate sundays though cause I work 12 to 8 well more like 12 to 9. Ugh!!!! I hardly have time to see B anyways and I can't even have my Sundays open. But I don't think I'll work during school cause I'm taking like 15 hours and I'll only have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to do anything.

I have been running a lot more than I used to. Me and Ethan are training to run for the 5k Color Run in July. Today I ran a 5k at the Strawberry Festival. I ran it in 30:41!!!!! My best time ever!!!!!!!! Last night I ran on the treadmill and I ran 3.1 miles in 35:34. I shaved off 5 minutes!!!  I think I can totally have more fun with the Color Run since I won't be gasping for air as much anymore.

Next month is June and the St. Mary's Navilleton Middle School Camp is gonna happen! Whoot! Always excited for camp. Then I feel like something else is going on and then my 22nd BDAY!

At this particular moment I am painting my nails while B sleeps. Good time to do em.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This is for you Aeriel

Hokay, so...
Ummmm... where to start... I left Ball State and glorious Aeriel for home. I won't be going back to BSU cause I don't know what I wanna do with my life and I missed my niece... B! I'll be going back to IUS. yay. 

I cut my hair REAL short... like pixie short cause I felt good about myself and I felt confident enough to have a short haircut. Even with the possibility of me looking like a boy. Good thing I don't! 

My 21st birthday came and went. I didn't drink, at all. Elaine and Ethan took me and Phil out for our birthdays at La Bocca in New Albany. DELICIOUS!!!! Then we took some pictures and then got some ice cream from the TWIST! Good times hanging with friends.

The next day after my birthday I started my new job at Little Caesars in Kmart. I was nervous but I'm fine now. I messed up a couple call-in orders but they weren't serious. The register was my enemy for a while. I was so stressed about that stupid thing each time I went into work. The first day I worked the register I was shaky and SUPER nervous. I'm better at it but I still have to ask sometimes which button is for what product. The other employees are nice and funny. I'm glad they are cause the time would pass REAL slow. I usually have 3-4 hour shifts but this week I had a 5 and a half hour shift and tomorrow I have a six hour shift. This is because I requested off foooooorrrrr......

I'm super pumped about the camping trip. It was awesome last summer and it's gonna be even more awesomer!

This month has been busy...work, camping trip, work, watching B, airshow trip with Dad. I had just finished looking at all the restaurants that sounded good in Dayton, Ohio so me and dad can eat at some good places. 

B is crawling now. Today she was smacking me on my chest and each time she smacked me she would laugh. Before the series of smacks she bitch slapped me. Mom was laughing so hard she was crying and B was laughing too. It was an experience being bitch slapped for the first time by a 11month old.

So in October I plan on visiting my cousin in Dallas, TX again. This time we are gonna go to the Texas State Fair. She said maybe we can take our New Orleans trip then too. Allison, my sister might come with.

December Allison, B, and Randy ( brother-in-law) are gonna go to Florida.

In the summer of 2012 I would like to go on this EF college break tour to Italy and Greece. It's about $3500 for 10 or 11 days. I REALLY wanna go!!!

Right now I am just waiting for CSI to come on, even though it is prolly a repeat.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Highlights of my life since my last post

Since my last post I have gone home and spent time with my ADORABLE niece Brecke! Sickness and hospitals were a part of my time home but they are slowly leaving the premises. When I got back to school I couldn't go into my dorm because a water pipe burst! I was not a happy camper because 1.) it was cold! 2.) it was in the evening and I just  drove 3 hours and 3.) I had a HEAVY backpack on and a purse with my computer in it. I just wanted to get into my dorm room and plop everything down and blow my running nose. I eventually got into the dorm, THANK YOU!

I believe it was the next morning, Monday morning, as I was walking to my class in the MORNING, I slipped a couple times... but always catching myself before I completed the fall. After class I slipped some more as did other people. With the other people slipping, I didn't feel like a girl with some stupid boots on that don't have tread on them at all causing me to slip. Later that day when I was walking back from getting my Mongolian food, I FELL! There were people around and none of them asked if I was okay! RUDE! Another girl fell too like seconds after me so I didn't feel stupid. haha

School= same ole same ole. My Chemistry teacher... I like him. Ya know why? CAUSE HE ERASES EVERY. LITTLE. CHALK. MARK. OFF. THE. CHALKBOARD!!!!

This Saturday I'm going to be volunteering at an animal shelter! whoot whoot!

I gotta do homework. 

Monday, January 17, 2011


Dear Winter,
I am about done with you! All you do is cause accidents and sickness. Maybe the occasional fun winter holidays but still! I do NOT like these (supposed) lingering effects of the stupid bug I had! Not fun! So please go away soon!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Matter, Aral Sea, Uggs and a Show Choir?

Today in Chemistry this girl in front of me kept bouncing her leg which in turn makes her whole body bounce and it got on my nerves. Also her big bun of hair got in my way of the teacher and the board. Ugh!!!

In Geology I sat on an end and then these two girls came in my row and I knew they were gonna be talkers. Great! They were and it got on my nerves. One of the girls was like, " These Uggs are bothering me!" I was thinking to myself why do you wear them then? 

Why do people wear Uggs? Like really?! They have no shape, they're confined to black, tan, and brown colors and when they get wet, they just look ridiculous! It was like almost EVERY girl had them on today and usual all of them dragged their feet! Which gets on my nerves as well. People dragging their feet!

But things are looking up cause I'm going to a show choir with my bestest roommie Aeriel! Then tomorrow were gonna go to a gymnastics meet! Whoot!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Long School Day

So today I started out my day like any other by waking up BEFORE my alarm clock that is supposed to go off at 7:30. Then I crunch on some Captain Crunch without milk because the stupid Micro Cafe doesn't open up til 8:30! Along with the delicious cereal, I drank me some wild cherry Capri Sun. Yum!

I get all bundled up with my black coat that still has the Paoli Peaks ski tag on it, my purple Target gloves that EVERYBODY has, and my white headband to keep my ears halfway warm. Oh... can't forget my snow boots!

I leave my dorm at 8 because I allot myself 15 minutes to get to my class that is all the way on the other side of campus. On my trek to Astronomy I slip a couple times on the ice and I thank God that I didn't completely fall down on my rear. But if I did, I would be glad that it would've occurred in the morning cause a lot of people weren't out in the white weather in the wee hours of the morning.

I get to Astronomy about 40-45 minutes early... as usual. The door was open but not all the way open and the lights were out. My mind was wondering if there was another class in there watching something or some such rut so I creepily opened the door and no one was in there so I turned on the light and propped the door open. My lovely B11 seat was waiting for my bum to sit on it and wait for class to start. Even though Astronomy is located in the basement with no natural light and the seats are a tealish blue with letters and numbers on it AND it's the earliest class out of my whole schedule... I thoroughly enjoy going to Astronomy. When my teacher walked in she said, " How nice of someone to open the door!" I was like I propped the door open and turned on the lights! Hahaha...

My Astro teacher is Indian, I believe, and she has a heavy accent but you can pretty much understand what she says but some words like question, she like uses a "w" instead of a "q" and it's just funny. She has her funny moments but people don't laugh. I smile but I feel bad cause she really is cool and has a sense of humor but some peeps just don't feel it. Dr. Khatun uses a portable microphone... not the one that Mrs. Hampton uses but like the clip-on ones that people use on t.v. Anyway, when she puts the microphone on, she puts the microphone part down on her clothes instead of facing it up to her mouth. I don't think she realizes she does that but o'whelps.

While I was listening to her talk and such, I couldn't help but be jealous of the fact that she speaks English so well for it being her second language. I wish I could speak another language fluently. 

Astro done and off to the third floor for my Chemistry lab. Going up, really, 4 flights of stairs wears ya down but 10 minutes is the time I had to get from Astro to Chem. Now, friends and family know that I HAVE to have/be on a time schedule! I have to know how long something is going to take or how long it would take to get somewhere. Even though I'm in the same building and just going up 4 flights of stairs, I don't like walking into class less than 30 minutes before class starts. I worry that I won't get a seat. 

So... my schedule says that I go to room 343 first for the pre-lab THEN 344 for the actual lab, well... I walk by 344 and see people sitting in there and I walk in. I walk about halfway and get out my paper that says which class I go to and it says 343. So I turn around and go to 343. 343 is the LAB and so I had to walk BACK into the room of people that JUST saw me walk out... walk back in.

So... I'm saying "SO" a lot... sorry. Haha. In class we had to take a math review cause the prerequisite for the class is a secondary education in algebra or the equivalent and I totally fulfilled that like AGES ago. Since it was AGES ago that I took algebra and such, I was a little rusty on me math skills. Which probably made me look like I'm not good at math when I am. That lasted from 10-12:50. TOOOOO LOOONNNNGGG!!! When class ended I headed to my dorm to get a quick bite to eat and take the safety quiz for Chemistry. At 2, I headed out for the Geology lab!

J'ADORE le Geology building! So BEAUTIFUL! So I'm early to class... again which in turn makes me have to wait outside the locked lab door. As I wait for the lab instructor to unlock the door... I'm doing my word search I got for Christmas! But alas, word searching had to end cause Geology labbing is approaching!

I'm sitting in my seat and this girl on the other side of the room has a colts hat and coat on. She's facing me so this is how and partly why I'm even telling everybody this. I'm also facing the door, therefore I see all the people that walk in the door. Before I go on I have to say that there are 3 tables in this room and I was counting the number of people sitting at each table and then recounting when a new person sat down. Part of my OCD of having equal amounts of something. Anyways, this guy walks in and sits right across from colts girl. Colts girl eyes him down... looks away and then looks at him again when he was messing with his backpack. I'm saying in my head, " You like him don't ya? You think he's cute." That's that observation. Still in Geology, we were talking about what pyrite is and this girl sitting across from me raised her hand and said fool's gold and then she turned to her friend next to her and said, " I learned that from Mary-Kate and Ashley." I was like OMG! MARY-KATE AND ASHLEY! Then I was thinking that she probably learned that from Holiday in the Sun where they're in the Bahamas. Hahaha... oh Mary-Kate and Ashley movies. The lab we had to do was to identify some minerals and I did that and we were done for the week. Off to English. whoooooot.

I left Geology at 3:50 and English didn't start til 5. I figured in 15 minutes to get from one end of the campus to the other so I would be early again to English. As I waited for English I ate me some peanut butter crackers and worked on my word search. Class started. This English class is small and the seats are close together and I feel claustrophobic in this class. The teacher is cool... she's funny and she doesn't really care what people say. She actually invokes people to argue and such which might be a problem for me. Hahaha. We, well the other people...not me, talked about the shooting in Arizona and then about gun control. That got some people arguing and talking. She said that she's going to post a quiz on if we are a visual, audio or whatever the other one is, learner. Also she's going to put up a reading assignment. Note the words "going to" She hasn't put them up yet and that's what I don't like in teachers. They don't have things up when they're supposed to! GAH!!!! 

I left English and called mom as I walked in the dark to my dorm. I went to the Micro Cafe to get me a Razzleberry Peace Tea, mandarin orange cup and a fruit cocktail cup. I unlock my door and decide to eat the fruit cocktail first but to my surprise the fruit cocktail consisted of grapefruit and oranges. NOT cherries, grapes, peaches or pears! I was upset. I would've eaten the grapefruit and orange cup but grapefruit cancels out medicine and I didn't want that to happen. So I ate my mandarin oranges then got my kosher ramen noodles from Meijer's international food aisle and went to the bathroom and cranked the hot water on high! I have to do that cause 1.) I don't have microwaveable cups 2.) it does the job. As I was waiting for the noodles to plump up, I wrote down on an index card to take the English survey cause the teacher isn't responsible enough to have it up when she's supposed to!!! I also started this blog and right now I'm watching t.v., switching off from Man v. Food, the Food Network, ABC Family, Spike, and HGTV. I was interrupted by Elaine calling me, the 4th person on her list she wanted to call... lol, and dad skyping me and condensing my entire day just talking about the math review in Chem and him telling me to go online and look that math over. Oh...dad! Hahaha

That's my Long Day of School on Wednesday January 12, 2011!